“We can not expect things to change if we keep doing the same things.”
A. Einstein
Europe produces 225 million tons of waste.
Of that, 60 million tons continue to be sent to landfill.
Every day we contribute to setting off a huge silent ecological bomb without worrying about the unliveable world we risk passing on to future generations.
But we still have time to fix it!

Tritor S.r.l. was a start-up born with the only ambition to succeed in having a zero landfilled waste policy adopted in the shortest time possible, thanks to the invention of an innovative technology that will significantly contribute to protecting the Planet.
Every day that goes by we are getting closer to a point of no return.
To achieve the set goals, we have chosen to team up by bringing together under a single brand a large European industrial group engaged in alternative, Belenergia S.p.A., an advisory firm and an important Italian green energy company.