TRITOR technology is available and it has been tested successfully directly at the production sites of many types of public and private companies.
Those who use it already, recommend it enthusiastically.
Those who just heard about it, can’t wait to try it.
Read here a collection of the main testimonials.

SRR impianti CL4 Caltanissetta: installed its first 4G plant in Sicily.
Gela is the city of Tritor’s first plant in Sicily: an innovative project aiming at zero landfilled waste. Installed on a 4G module, the plant will process undersieve from USW coming from their MBT plant for production of FORSU – Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste – (landfill capping soil) as well as the oversieve fraction for the production of certified SSF to be used as valorised energy. This would be the first public in Sicily to produce certified SSF in the full spirit of the policies on energy transition.
This extremely innovative system will allow the plant to not send to landfill any portion of the waste collected from the municipalities managed by SRR CL4 Caltanissetta.
TRITOR: the technology that transforms waste into an ecological fuel
This technology offers a revolutionary system to manage various types of waste: unsorted general waste, dry and organic fraction, sludge. Tritor, an industrial patent: on the one hand, it makes it possible to reduce volume up to 70% and on the other, it exploits treatment output to produce energy with a powerful and, most importantly, environment-friendly source of fuel.